ummmmm....ok so I know I almost missed the boat on this one, but last week media outlets were going crazy thinking it was going to be the END OF THE WORLD as a result of a crazy experiment that physicists were going to perform underground on the border of France and Switzerland.
Everybody held their breath....and when the moment had passed they breathed out and took another one. Life was still going, the world still turning, and hysteria unanswered.
But it turns out that the experiment wasn't the REAL one, it was just a small lead-up test, and the real thing is still set to go off with a bang (I hope not literally) sometime in the near future.
You see, even though I only found out about the situation today, I feel there is a very real reason to be scared - and I do not say that lightly :|
here is a quote from the official Website of the scientists of the experiment:
"The LHC is a machine of extreme hot and cold. When two beams of protons collide, they will generate temperatures more than 100 000 times hotter than the heart of the Sun, concentrated within a minuscule space."
That doesn't sound good. They want to create a situation where there is a vastly higher heat than the sun, and in a smaller place HERE ON EARTH. Call me crazy but isn't it also scientifically proven that the Sun is so hot humans would not even be able to get anywhere NEAR the fiery orb without burning into oblivion????????!!!??!?!?!?!?
That's not the worst of it - check out the website to get the full idea of just how terrifying and real this is:
The experiment also apparently hopes to RE-CREATE the BIG BANG, in a long effing tube-thing underground. There are hypothesis that a giant "black hole" will be created, sucking in the Earth. And these are the kind of things that the scientists aren't ruling out!!
I hate to jump on the bandwagon with the likes-of people who called "END GAME" with the whole Y2K thing. But this is seriously concerning. Especially since they are so vague about the safety measures...
What FUCKING IDIOTS!!! How about they take their little suicidal, hairbrained, self-indulgent idea and fly off to Pluto or Jupiter or something, and try it there.
Better yet why don't they fly a ship into the SUN and see how far they get - that would be a similar experiment that wouldn't sacrifice the other 6-Billion-odd people on the planet!!
...that said maybe the human-race does need to sacrifice itself for the good of the planet (at this rate we're irreparably damaging it anyway) but I totally disagree with a few hotheads potentially destroying the world and life-as-we-know-it (just LIFE in general) with their over-inflated sense of intelligences. Somebody stop them before it's too late.
In defense of Batman v Superman
8 years ago